Monday, September 20, 2010

Love and Pie

I never thought when I was in school or practicing gymnastics, earning black belts or teaching full time while getting a credential and a master's at night that the things most people in life are grateful for are the little things.  I mean, I guess if I thought about it seriously, I would have realized that what endears me to Ben more than anything is when he takes out my trash telling me I shouldn't have to do that or when he installs a dishwasher or takes me out for ice cream or dinner.  All of these "little" things are really what make life so special. So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when, at a party this weekend (2 parties actually), I heard Ben boast about how I make him a pie just about once a week.  It's such a small thing, really, but in so many ways it's so much more important than anything else I could do.  When did we, as a culture, decide that big accomplishments, events, and "stuff" were more important than the little daily reminders of our love to one another?  I know that the best moments are when the family gets together on Thanksgiving and shares a delicious meal, or when I was a kid and my dad and I would watch episodes of Sherlock Holmes together.  Just hearing the music from the theme song reminds me of the times we shared when we still lived at the Camellia house my dad grew up on.  Or when my mom hosts tea parties--the time and thoughtfulness she puts into them to make the experience so enjoyable for our friends and family.  These are the things people will remember us by. 

I have a feeling that when I am old, Ben will look back on our life together and remember the fact that I baked him a pie once a week.  Not that I earned a black belt or got a full scholarship to college, or paraglided off the Swiss Alps, or became a teacher at age 22.  We will remember the quiet evenings alone together (and maybe the not so quiet ones we'll have if we ever have children).  We'll remember the nights we danced in our living room to our favorite love songs, the cool evenings on the river fishing, the hikes we took in the blaze of a summer day, the laughter and the tears we will have shared.  We'll remember the conversations which brought us closer together.  And we'll remember pie.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blackberry Pie

Probably my favorite fruit is the blackberry.  But let's face it...they cost way too much money to buy them every time I go to the grocery store.  On Monday I decided to make a blackberry pie and it came out delicious!  I still think raspberry is my favorite but I would highly recommend making this pie if you are a berry fan!

Here's the recipe that I used:


  • 4 cups fresh blackberries
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1/4 cup white sugar


  1. Combine 3 1/2 cups berries with the sugar and flour. Spoon the mixture into an unbaked pie shell. Spread the remaining 1/2 cup berries on top of the sweetened berries, and cover with the top crust. Seal and crimp the edges. Brush the top crust with milk, and sprinkle with 1/4 cup sugar.
  2. Bake at 425 degree F (220 degrees C) for 15 minutes. Reduce the temperature of the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C), and bake for an additional 20 to 25 minutes.

The one thing that makes this pie unique is the sugar that's added to the top crust.  Ben noticed (and liked!) the difference.  And don't forget that in order for it to taste yummy you need to actually make the crust from scratch.